A few days ago Petter Kjeilen posted a question on Twitter with that headline. I don't know if anyone replied directly but until now I cannot see any conversation on this tweet - which is (to be honest) very surprising to me.
I decided to compare both strategies on my own in this post now as a Twitter conversation (especially when there is none) maybe to short to discuss the facets of this question. With today's possibilities you also may come to that question - what should I use, what is better, what is more straight forward etc.
The following is only my point of view to that question and you are invited to comment on that (despite the message you'll receive this post auto-approves every comment, just reload this page after you posted your comment).
So here we go:
Usage of Bootstrap4XPages plugin
easy to install
a ready-to-go environment with predefined widgets and layout parts for almost every kind of application
full Domino Designer integration (if you install the plugin here, too)
agile open source project that you are able to join and contribute
capable of runtime optimized usage of resources (aggregation)
you have to install the plugin on the server and in DDE
the plugin follows the guidelines of the Application Layout control for the general look & feel of your application
loads both CSS and Javascript (even if you only want to use the CSS)
not well documented yet
Usage of the "vanilla" Bootstrap framework
no plugin needed (essential in "restricted" environments)
you (have to) learn Bootstrap from the scratch
better understanding of what's happening
full source control of your components (as you have to design them on your own, might be also a con?)
you can always use the latest version
you can choose if you want the Javascript components, too (besides the mandatory CSS)
you are responsible for ALL of your doings (defining resources, code patterns and program controls)
no DDE integration (YOU code your widgets & stuff)
resource aggregation is a bit "tricky" but possible
same with custom themes e.g. from Bootswatch
As always: there is no right or wrong, both ways are great and very useful for your Domino development. And there is also room for a combination: I am using the plugin as it allows me to use resource aggregation and binding the libraries without a hassle (I am using Bootstrap 3.1.1 at the moment from the plugin) AND customizations like themes or my own CSS tweaks. My advice is: play around with both ways but start w/o the plugin as you learn how Bootstrap works and which components you want to choose.
On your marks, ready, ... comment!