HCL just released the first fixpack for version 12.0.2 of the Notes client and the Domino server.
The Fixlist can be viewed here: https://ds-infolib.hcltechsw.com/ldd/fixlist.nsf/Public?OpenView&Start=1&Count=30&Expand=1#1
The list includes a fix for an issue I documented here which can be viewed here: https://ds-infolib.hcltechsw.com/ldd/fixlist.nsf/8ed1b46cfdba8957852570c90054623b/5e432a51dec093eb85258994004a3550?OpenDocument
I just updated my Docker based servers within minutes as Daniel also already updated the Domino Container repository.
There is also a new release of the Domino REST API (1.0.4) available. As always, all is available on FlexNet.
Thanks to all for their commitment!
Using the default smartupgrade template from HCL you will fail to upgrade 64 Bit clients to FP1.
It needs just some small adjustments to the design and it will work. Took me 5 Minutes to fix it. I hope HCL will ship an updated smartupgrade template with the next release.
Author: Oliver Busse
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Code snippets or any other console output - if not otherwise proclaimed - licensed under WTFPL – Do What the Fuck You Want to Public License
Made with love and IBM XPages, using Twitter Bootstrap 3
This website uses the XPages Extension Library, Bootstrap4XPages Plugin and the OpenNTF Domino API