You know me, I fucking hate MS Windows to the bone. I never liked it but since I am using REAL operating systems like Linux (1999) and MacOS (2015) my bloody hatered even increased. MS is just not able to provide a system that „operates“ a computer, it’s just a lot of useless crap that crashes and behaves completely different from what the user expects. Ok, they have graphics and animations. A fucking LOT of animations that don’t have any benefit. They are just there to distract the user from the shit itself IMHO.
There is an OS that can be upgraded while it’s still running. It’s called Linux, where the kernel and packages can be upgraded during an active session. A final restart will bring up the new versions.
MacOS is different: you download the whole package and restart into the update mode - which doesn’t bring up the system but the update mode which replaces all the stuff needed. Afterwards it automatically boots into the new system.
What Windows does: it tries to replace stuff while the system is still running (somehow), it stops, it crashes and it gets stuck - OF COURSE it does! Everyone who is aware of how an OS works would say: well, hell yeah, that can’t work out that way.
My concern is just: what does the „normal“ user expect when updating a Windows system? It should just work, right? They are NOT aware of all the tricks and hacks that you HAVE to perform for (or during) an update process, right? They aren’t!
So this is why I think that Windows is NOT a consumer OS but a power user OS or a system for admins.
So why the hell the majority of new PC are sold with that crappy OS? Everybody who want’s a system under full control should buy a Linux based one. It needs a bit of learning, too - that’s clear. Everyone who want a system that just works (even during updates) MUST buy an Apple system - no bothers at all.
This is exactly why Apple „fanboys“ spend more money than others. They appreciate the „no hassle“ experience.
I recently spent two days completely on my Macbook Pro, doing all the stuff I need - no problems. Firing up a VM with Windows brought me back to the ground. It was a pure catastrophe. Nothing worked as BEFORE it worked, just I was using a different network. WHAT THE FUCK?
For my daily job: I am looking out for the day I do not have to use Windows (for Notes and DDE) and can just work on MacOS with software that isn’t proprietary for Windows.