What makes YOU an IBM Champion

Wednesday, October 14, 2015 at 9:47 PM UTC

First things first: everyone is a champion in what she/he is doing, regardless of the technology, topic or favor. You are worthy!

These days are the days of the IBM Champion nominations. I am still flattered to be in that circle of generous people who share expertise and knowledge in various ways. You can nominate YOUR IBM Champion until October 31 here: https://greenhouse.lotus.com/forms/anon/org/app/42cfa3de-f538-46a6-8645-896da24ded78/launch/index.html?form=F_Form1&cm_mc_uid=83563127991214228974239&cm_mc_sid_50200000=1444830187

What makes an IBM Champion for me

There's nothing particular about it. A person who contributes something to the community (= to us, to me) is on my personal list of nominees. I personally look after the following kinds of contributions:

  • a blog that is frequently updated with - of course - IBM ICS(ESS) related stuff and/or innovations that open my mind
  • a helping hand in various forums such as Stackoverflow, IBM DeveloperWorks or elsewhere
  • a direct contact that I can rely on via different channels such as Skype or EMail - or face to face
  • someone who just efforts time to get "us" together at user group events or round tables

You see, there are different options to be noticed by me - and by other people of course.

To all of those of matching the criteriae above (and of course were nominated) I send a big "THANK YOU" over the air.

Latest comments to this post

Patrick Kwinten wrote on 15.10.2015, 08:53

I read today America's Top Model is ending after 22 seasons (12 years) so there is hope for the rest of us (non IBM champions) !

I had no idea they actually set up a Wikipedia site for it:


BTW you are nominated ;-)

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