Nomination time again - but different

Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 7:08 PM UTC

Autumn is here and it's the time of the year again when you and others can earn recognition by being nominated as an IBM Champion. No idea what an IBM Champion is? Check out this site! If you nominated someone during the years before then you know what to do. There are some changes I associate with the IBM Champion program this year:

  • the IBM Champion wrangler for ICS has changed, Amanda Bauman handed over the torch to Alan Hamilton
  • the nomination form has changed - and improved a bit
  • the categories for the internal selection processes have changed

So far, so good.

For me personally it's the 4th season of nomination. I am a happy three-time Champion now since 2015 and I am still a proud member of this amazing bunch of people. To be honest, I don't expect to be re-elected for 2018 again as I've been very quiet during the past months. The first six months I was busy speaking at conferences though, emerging technologies such as IBM Watson and Bluemix. But beside from this I just created a few blog posts, mostly regarding PMRs and other things that I encountered during my work life. That was my main focus this year, but it didn't happen in public. I evaluated some new technologies for me personally though such as Node RED for home automation.

So this time I try a different approach of gathering recognition and hopefully nominations as IBM Champion - and that is from YOU, my customers I worked with.

Going global

The things I enjoyed the most this year was working with customers around the world. That includes countries like the US, Japan, Belgium, Austria, Brazil and also South Africa. Of course it's because we are pushing aveedo, trying to enable partners for it and setup test environments on customer sites. A huge shoutout goes to IBM itself as many of the local sales representatives push aveedo, too. Therefor I am and my company is very grateful and we are looking forward to increase our efforts in that direction. Thank you!


The benefits of being an IBM Champion are broad. We always get the latest news on products and strategies from IBM first, we can easily access additional resources, we can spontaneiously contact and talk to IBM representatives if we have a question. There are various channels for us for all of the above. Finally YOU, the customer, the partners and others can profit from that direct channels via an IBM Champion - and we all are happy to act accordingly.

So, if you consider nominating someone you know, please do it now until November 13. We greatly appreciate it!

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