- beta -
Build 2013.04.05
This application is a personal storage of Oliver Busse, Dresden.
It holds code fragments, snippets and useful hints and tips about IBM Notes and Domino.
Feel free to contact me at kontakt[at]oliverbusse.com to submit your
The site is NOT intended to be concurring to OpenNTF.org / XSnippets as it is for my personal usage only.
Credits: IBM Notes/Domino, XPages, Dojo Toolkit, Twitter Bootstrap, jQuery, Google Prettify
All code you find here is published under the Apache Commons License / the GPL 2.0 License / the Creative Commons License
Though the code created with the DojoCKEditor does not contain any HTML-tags the prettify-script cannot handle it correctly.
If anyone knows how to store HTML MIME and read it as plain text,
give me a wink.
More to come:
Comment function on snippet posts
Upload new snippets
If you want a simple blog, feel free to download the notes template here:
2013-04-27: added localization for de and en