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Installing extensions on your Domino server made easy

I just wondered how to install extensions to your Domino server can be made easier than just copying all the stuff in the to the corresponding directories. Since 8.5.3 there is a very easy way to do this.

Short hand: create an updatesite database and import all the stuff you want to deploy on the client machines - and on Domino as well, e.g. ExtLib, SBT, Xpages Bazaar and stuff.

Then add this to the notes.ini of your Domino server:


The updatesite database must be located on the server, so a replica might be helpful when dealing with more than one server. This database can be the same you update your client from. So no hassle and duplicates on that topic!

The trick is to restart your HTTP task like this:

restart task http

As a confirmation message you should receive this:

HTTP JVM: CLFAD0330I: NSF Based plugins are being installed in the OSGi runtime. For more information please consult the log

You may want to have a look at the Data\domino\workspace\logs\error-log-0.xml for details.

From that point your server has the same capabilities your client has (since you installed the stuff from your updatesite)

The detailed atricle can be read here.



However, this works on windows machines. Some of my Linux machines refuse to cooperate. If anyone got a solution please drop me a note!

Update 20.6.2013

Make sure the updatesite.nsf can be accessed by the server and let the server be able to execute code as set in the security options of your server document.

Tagged with domino extlib install updatesite 

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Eleanor Robbins wrote on 22.09.2017, 13:42

You shared a perfect guidance about installing the extension and I got some assignment help from your blog so thank you very much for this post.